
  • Genre: Quiz
  • Team Size: 1
  • Duration: March 2024
  • Platform: PC - Web Browser
  • My role: Gameplay - Shader - UI - VFX - Debug - Sound
  • GitHub Repository

The game

A bunch of bubble will fall from above.
The player need to pop this bubble by input the result of the mathematical operation inside the bubbles before reach the water.
If a bubble reach the water will explode, the water level will increase and the player will loose a life.
If there are no life left the game is over.

The game difficulty is based on the type of operation and the speed of the falling bubbles.
This difficulty will increase as time goes by!
Challenge your math skills and try to get the highest score ever as fast as you can!



How to play

  1.  Type the result of one of the bubbles on the screen.
  2. Press "ENTER" to input your answer, if correct you will acquire the result as score and the bubble will pop.
  3. Type the golden raindrop result to pop every bubble on the screen and collect every results as score! (Fig. 1)
  4.  Remember that if a bubble touch the water, the water level will increase and the player will loose a life. 0 life mean Game Over! (Fig. 2)
Fig. 1 - Gold DropFig. 2 - Game Over 


Use the Button on the screen to manage your UI.

  1. Start Game: will start the game.
  2. Setting: will open the setting menu with the sound slider.
  3. Pause Game: will pause the game.
  4. Quit Game: will close the application.
  5. DropDown: on the Main Menu will set the starting Difficulty.
Published 15 days ago
AuthorAnthony Fedeli
TagsMath, Quiz, watercolor


Stand-Alone Version 34 MB


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very challenging, good game

Thanks You! :)